Monday, April 1, 2013

(Ch. 5) Preparing for the Lord's Plan

So how many of you saw the first subtitle to Chapter 5 and said to yourself “Well THIS part doesn’t apply to me…” I did too. That was my first and honest reaction upon turning the page in my Bible. My subtitle for Chapter 5 says “The Second Generation Circumcised”. Now how does something like that apply to us Gentile Christians today?

Well, first let’s read a little of the passage and then we’ll get into that. “So it was, when all the kings of the Amorites who were on the west side of the Jordan, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the children of Israel until we had crossed over, that their hearts melted; and there was no spirit in them any longer because of the children of Israel.” (v. 1)

Have you noticed that whenever the Lord moves, it is never kept quiet? Whenever God performs a miracle in the lives of His people, everyone hears about it. That kind of news spreads. Why? Because our God is not a quiet God. He is not a God who likes to be put on the shelf in the closet. No, God desires to be the attention of all who look upon Him! And when He acts, He makes Himself noticed. When He speaks, He makes Himself heard. He is Almighty God and He desires the whole stage to Himself.

As His children, we have a duty and should have an urge to proclaim His works and His words to those around us so that they may give Him that attention and glory as well. When He makes a move in your life, people are going to know about it and they might ask you about it. Be prepared to give the Lord glory and focus your attention on Him.

Now what happens next will be hard for us to understand an application to us, but let us try. All of the kingdoms in that area have noticed Israel and are afraid of them. Then the Lord approaches Joshua. Verses 2-7 explain to us that the Lord wanted Joshua to circumcise all of the Israelite men. Why? Because this was a new generation. The Jews who had been led out of Egypt by Moses were already circumcised, but their descendants were not because they had not taken the time to do so during the forty years they dwelt in the wilderness. This second generation of Israelites had to do this thing before the Lord led them in their conquest against Canaan. Why?

The purpose of circumcision was not to cause pain for no reason. No, God demanded His people be circumcised because the Jews were His people, set apart for His purpose. As a nation, He had chosen them and in order that a difference may be distinguished between the Jews and the non-Jews (Gentiles), the Lord commanded that they be circumcised.

Now, we as Gentile, American Christians are not required by God to be physically circumcised. However, what I would propose to you all is that God demands us to be circumcised spiritually. What do I mean by this?

Before we may begin our grand conquest for the Lord and step onto the spiritual battlefield in our armor, we must set ourselves apart for the Lord. I believe this should be an experience that takes something out of us. Whether it causes pain, or just drains us, I believe before God will really work in us, we should take a step of loyalty and mark ourselves as His servants. The Jews did this in a physical manner.

And notice verse 8. “So it was, when they had finished circumcising all the people, that they stayed in their places in the camp till they were healed”.

After going through this process, the Jews had to take the time to heal. It was a painful thing for them to be marked, yet the Lord demanded it. It is my belief that all Christians must be spiritually circumcised as a child of God. We must be set apart from the world around us.

Now how do we do this? What do I mean “spiritually mark” ourselves? I mean, we must undertake a task or complete a process of some sort that is in honor of our Master and is yet damaging to us. Because when you take a serious look at it, God was asking the Israelite men to damage and cripple themselves for a time just after all of Israel’s enemies had been made aware of them. Militarily speaking, this is a foolish move. In panic, the Canaanites could decide to attack Israel immediately before they themselves were invaded. If they did so, Israel’s army was in no condition to defend themselves. God was asking them to put themselves in pain for His sake at a very dangerous time. Do not forget, Israel was now in Canaan. There was no Jordan River separating them…Israel was in the middle of enemy territory and this is when the Lord chooses to command Joshua to circumcise the people. Why would God do this?

As Paul best said in 2 Corinthians 12, “And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (v. 9-10)

The Lord wanted to make it clear to Israel from the very beginning that they were His and He was God. He was to be their strength. At a time when strength was most necessary, He cripples them so that they MUST trust in the only strength they have left: His. Do you see the Lord’s message in this? All too many times when we get involved in a ministry or see an opportunity to glorify Him, we jump to the mindset of “God, give ME strength to do this”. But from what I see of Scripture, God doesn’t add to our own strength. Rather, He offers us His.

And THAT is the message behind this. So how might you spiritually circumcise yourself? Find the thing that you are strong in and weaken yourself in the presence of God. If you are skilled at something, give it up for a time. If you are not good at something, tackle it fiercely though it is difficult and not appealing. I don’t think the idea of circumcising is appealing to any of the guys that will be reading this post. I doubt it was appealing to the men in Joshua’s time. Yet God calls us out of our comfort zones and out of our bubble of happiness to truly serve Him. How do you feel God calling you to mark yourselves as one of His? Remember, it must weaken us in some way so that we have to trust in His strength and not our own. If you still have strength on your own in that certain area, do it again and again until the Lord is the only one in power of that area. That is how it is meant to be.

Once we are healed, however, the Lord has work ready for us. Israel had dozens of pagan nations to destroy. What strongholds in your life is God leading you towards and preparing you to destroy? Christians are meant to be a people of power and confidence. We are spiritual soldiers. God will call you to wage war on certain things as they enter your life. In order for us to successfully overcome these things, we must be clearly marked as different from unbelievers. Because of this mark, we must be able to trust Him and not ourselves to handle the things of life. Now that does not mean we cower in a corner and let God do all the engaging. We must have an active part of our own lives. But we must trust the Lord and His strength and His wisdom above our own.

Moving along! Verses 13-15 say “And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, ‘Are You for us or for our adversaries?’ So He said, ‘No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.’ And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, ‘What does my Lord say to His servant?’ Then the Commander of the LORD’s army said to Joshua, ‘Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.’ And Joshua did so.” (v. 13-15)

Following Joshua’s obedience to the Lord, God decides to pay him a visit. He recognizes that Joshua is an experienced soldier and Joshua must have realized the danger in crippling his soldiers after entering dangerous territory, but as much as Joshua trusted his experience, he trusted the Lord more. Do you and I trust Him above our own experiences and above our own logic and wisdom?

So the Lord appears before Joshua in what is called a Christophany (Jesus Christ appearing in the Old Testament). How do we know that it was the Lord Himself? Well 1) My Bible capitalizes the references to Him as you see in the passage above. And 2) Joshua worships Him. If He were just a messenger or an angel, He would not have allowed Joshua to worship Him. More than once in Genesis, we see angels appearing to people and refusing to allow the people to worship them. Worship is reserved for God alone and Joshua worshipped this Man freely. It was Christ.

Now catch this: Upon Joshua seeing the Man standing there, he asks Him a multiple choice question. “Are you my friend or my enemy?” How does Christ answer? He says “No.” Joshua asked if it was A or B and God answered with C.

The Lord does not operate on our level. What we perceive is not what He knows. He is above us in understanding, knowledge, wisdom, and power. In fact, the only thing I can think of us doing better than God is sinning.

So the Lord steps up to Joshua and says “stop thinking on such a small scope. I am God and am beyond such a question.” At that, Joshua figured out that the Lord was before Him and worshipped and asked for the Lord’s plan. He did not say “thanks for coming, God. Here is my plan…what do You think?”
No, he says “You are God and I am not. I am Your servant and will carry out Your will and not my own. What is Your plan, Lord?” This is the correct attitude and too often we neglect to assume such a mindset in our prayers and conversations with Almighty God.

When the Lord saw that Joshua’s heart was right, He told Him the plan. When God deems you and I ready for more information, He will give it. Too many of us want the result without the journey. The treasure without the pain and time of seeking it. But God says “no, you will follow the path I have chosen for you until you are ready to know more.” None of us step into our Christian lives knowing exactly the how’s, where’s, and why’s of God’s purpose for us. Such things come in time and when we learn to have a correct and submitted heart before the Lord. When we are truly the servants and are willing to listen to His will, He will share. Until then, we must continue to prepare for the Lord’s plan.

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