Thursday, March 14, 2013

(Ch. 2) The Faith of an Outsider

The popular story about Rahab and the spies is found in Joshua 2. Following Joshua’s gathering of a military force at the end of Chapter 1, we see him sending two spies out into Canaan to “view the land, especially Jericho.” (v. 1) Joshua is all about using his time productively, so while he is waiting three days for the people to prepare to cross the Jordan River, he sends two spies to do some recon.

In verse 2 we see that the spies chose to lodge in the house of Rahab the harlot…a curious choice as women (especially harlots) were not looked on favorably. But we can see God setting the stage for something awesome.

Somewhere along the way, someone figures out that the two men are Israelite spies and tells the authorities. Verse 3 tells us that the king of Jericho asked Rahab to hand over the spies. And what does she do? She lies.

Now I have been involved in some serious and deep discussion with other mature Christians from around the world about whether or not it is ever right to lie. Some hold to the view that Rahab’s lie to the king in order to protect the spies was sinful. These same people also speak negatively towards those who hid Jews from the Nazis during WWII. Then there are some who argue that not telling the truth in order to perform the ultimate good is acceptable to God. Either way you look at it, the Lord saw fit to include Rahab in the “Hall of Faith” in the book of Hebrews. (Hebrews 11:31)

Now what was it she had faith in? Let’s look: “I know that the Lord has given you the land, that the terror of you has fallen on us, and that all the inhabitants of the land are fainthearted because of you. For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were on the other side of the Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom you utterly destroyed. And as soon as we heard these things, our hearts melted; neither did there remain any more courage in anyone, because of you, for the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath.” (v. 9-11)

Rahab was in a pagan land where many gods were worshipped. And yet she tells the spies “your God is different…He is the God of everything! And when we heard of all the things He did for you, our hearts melted and our courage left us.”

Now that’s a positive report to give Joshua! But note that everything Rahab said was “When we heard what your God did”. It was never about the Israelites and Rahab recognized the awesome works of God and placed her faith in Him and her trust in His servants. Could we learn something from her? How many of us are truly willing to put our faith in the Lord and trust His servants? There are so many Christians out there that question each other and draw blades on one another that the Church is in a civil war! But we do not see Rahab question the spies here, though they chose to lodge with her, knowing what she did for a living. No, she placed her faith in God and trusted those He sent to her.

Following her declaration of faith towards God, Rahab made a deal with the spies. In summary, she asked that they spare her and her family in return for the kindness she showed them. They agreed to spare everything and everyone that she brought into her household and so she dangled a scarlet rope down her window to remind the Israelites of their promise to her when the time for their invasion came. After escaping from Jericho, the spies returned to Joshua and repeated Rahab’s words to him. Canaan was ready to fall.
But here’s the part that really impacted me. The spies were the first Israelites to enter Canaan since Joshua, Caleb, and their ten companions entered the land over forty years ago. And yet those who dwell there are still trembling! God’s reputation precedes Him and leaves an impression that lasts for over four decades!
What reputation precedes you and me? What first impression are you leaving others? The Israelites and their God left a pretty big first impression on the people living in the Promised Land…an impression that kept them scared for decades before Israel ever stepped foot in their land!

Rahab was on the outside, and yet she had tremendous faith! She was in the lineage of Christ because of her faith. And she was not raised knowing God, but came to faith in who He was just by hearing stories about Him that were possibly older than she was.

Our words and our deeds leave an impression on people. As Christians, we mark those around us and they may carry that mark with them for a long time…what mark are you leaving? How is a true Christian supposed to live? Are you living that life and leaving such a mark on those you come in contact with? Or are you hypocritical in your lifestyle and turning the people around you away from the Gospel of Christ? It’s your choice. Will you leave an impression on others that will last for decades? Or are you just taking up space in the world and doing nothing to further His kingdom? Again, it’s your choice.

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