Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The GPS Lifestyle

So me being a delivery driver for a living, I lean heavily on my GPS to get me around.  A GPS is a very useful invention and I love it dearly, but it has some flaws.  It knows where you are and where you need to be and it calculates what it believes is the best route.  The problem is that sometimes, what it thinks is the best route, is really not the way you want to go.

My GPS will only use the main roads when telling me where to go.  But when I need to make a delivery quickly, I try to stick to the back roads as much as possible.  So when I turn off of a main road, my GPS freaks out.

But here's where it gets interesting.  My GPS doesn't immediately recalculate and provide a different route.  Instead, it tells me to do a U-turn or make a series of turns to get back on that main road.  My GPS has its eyes set on one route and I have to veer way off course before it will eventually give me a new set of directions.

You and I are like a GPS.  We know where we're going and we have set our course.  But the Lord knows what is best for us and will sometimes redirect us.  He takes us down a side road and we scream out to turn around and go back to where we were.  We want to navigate life using the route we believe is best.  But you see, a GPS cannot see a car accident up ahead and does not know when traffic is backed up.  All it calculates is the distance and an average speed.  It does not comprehend traffic signals, slow drivers on "one lane" roads, or anything else.  It is blind to the circumstances around it.  We see a wreck ahead and make a detour.  The GPS is oblivious to the wreck and tells you to get back on that road.

Or sometimes the GPS will tell you to get on a road that isn't there...I had one delivery where I was supposed to follow a road down to another road...only the road I was on became a dead end at someone's property.  The GPS did not know that and told me I had another mile on that road even though my car was stopped in front of someone's house with no more road to follow.  I ended up backtracking and using a different road...much to my GPS's displeasure.

You and I can be so narrow-minded sometimes.  God wants something great for us, but it requires a detour.  And we are slow to allow Him to deviate from our original course.  We want to navigate life for ourselves and do not easily trust God's wisdom and insight.

Now whenever I make a detour or change my route and my GPS freaks...I smile.  I think of how God must feel when He tries to direct us down a different road and we kick and scream...God is a good God and has never let me down.  I must learn to trust that He knows best.  Now if only my GPS could do the same....:-)

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