So this week I started an 8 week long Math course. Because we have fewer weeks to meet, we fly through the material faster and there is more homework...Math is not my strong point. So extra Math work on top of my normal classes and work schedule has made this week...interesting. This week, I really needed a break and a re-focusing, so I pulled out a DVD copy of Louie Giglio's sermon called "How Great Is Our God." Yes, the sermon title is based off of Chris Tomlin's worship song. :-)
Anyway, I popped the DVD in and sat down and just watched in absolute awe as Louie shared some astronomy with his audience and showed images of different planets and stars. Truly, by the end of the sermon...I felt very small.
Let me give you just a few examples Mr. Giglio used in his sermon to express God's greatness: the sun is 93 million miles away from the earth. The SUN!!!! The star that we can best see and is most involved with life here on earth is 93 MILLION MILES away?!?!?!?! Wow!!!!!
But it gets better! If the earth were the size of a golf ball, the sun would be 15 feet in diameter! That would mean we could 960,000 earths in the sun (enough to fill a school bus)! And guess what? The sun is pretty darn small compared to a lot of the stars out there.
What's the biggest star out there? Canis Majoris. If the earth were a golf ball, Canis Majoris is the size of Mt. Everest! There would be enough earths to fit inside Canis Majoris to cover the entire state of Texas 22 inches deep! This star is HUGE!!!!!
Psalm 33:6 says "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth." Can you imagine our God in heaven breathing out a star like Canis Majoris? Science tells us that there are hundreds of billions of stars out there...Cani Majoris is the biggest one we have found SO FAR. I'm sure there are even bigger stars out there. And God created them. We are specks on a golf ball that is barely seen in our own solar system which is just a dot on the canvas of the universe. And yet sometimes we want to act like everything revolves around us. In truth, NOTHING revolves around us.
You and I are very, very, very, small in the grand scheme of creation. We like to forget that God created outside of our little box called Earth. We are not the focus on His creation. We are ants in our own little ant hills surrounded by miles and miles of forest. We are not the focus.
But God Almighty is a God of size! He holds the universe in His hand! A universe that we haven't even come close to exploring all of. I'd guess we have only seen about 2% of the whole universe.
And yet we spend a lot of our time when we pray telling God what He should do, we councel Him, suggest to Him, argue with Him, we try to reason with the God of creation. How arrogant are we that we diss such a great God?
He is not a God that needed help when He fashioned the stars and the planets. When He wove the fabric of time together and spoke light into existence, we were not there. So why then, do we sometimes act like we know what's best for us? He is the universe-maker and mankind's Savior. Does He need our help? Does He need us at all?
I think not. Our God is a great God, and He is without need of help or guidance. He is holy in all He does and everything He creates, He creates perfectly. Let's think twice before we question the judgement of the One who created the universe that we dwell in.
Let's give Him the praise and glory that He so rightly deserves.
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