Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Concept of Truth

So I have been having several short discussions with people over the past few days revolving around God and His existence.  I have interacted with athiests and pluralistic people before, but it seems that more than usual have been showing up in my social circles over the past few days.

So what exactly is truth?  Is it something that we create and define or is it beyond us?  Is truth something that we can ever really know or is something that we can guess about and hope to get close? 

From what I have heard and seen from the people around me...and from my college Ethics class, truth is not attainable.  Truth is transcedent and we have no idea what real truth is.  We can only guess and hope we're right.  But truth itself is elusive and different people see a different angle.  What is true for you may not be true for me.  And that is okay.  In the end, we'll all end up in the same place anyway and live happily ever after.

Really?!?!?  The culture we live in today defies anything that supports the idea of absolutism.  Did you know that there are philosophers out there today who question whether or not you and I exist?  They believe that all of life may be one big illusion and that nothing is as it seems.  Nothing is real.  The chair that they sit on as they contemplate life may not be may just be their imagination.

Did you know that there are those who know God exist and refuse to acknowledge Him anyway?  The Book of Romans talks about that...for more on that, check out my Facebook Note on Romans 1.

But seriously guys, we live in a day and age where I can't even be sure of my own breathing!  Humanity has tried to quench the concept of absolutism to the point where they believe that anything is possible...thus believing nothing.  That is not how I will live.

God is real.  He exists and operates in the universe whether you and I give Him permission to do so or not.  Simple as that.  Our beliefs do not dictate reality.  And yet we try to assume some sort of god attitude when examining life around us and we assume we got it all figured out without God ever entering the picture.

You see, we were really created by a chemical reaction that exploding out of nothingness and formed a simple-celled organism that evolved over millions and millions of years into a complex and intelligent human being that can reason and use logic.  And now we are the masterminds of the universe who have mastered the art of creating and think that one day, we will know all that there is to know and nothing will be hidden from us.  We rule our own fate and nothing can rule over us because we are a great people.....yeah.......not.  Yet that is the filthy lie that people today sell.

Well one, explain to me how we were created out of nothingness if there was nothing there to start with?  Have you ever tried to create something?  Maybe a picture or a sculpture....well try drawing a picture without paper and pencil.  Just stand there and wrinkle your nose and concentrate on a picture until it explodes out of nothingness....absurd, right?  Well that is exactly the mindset of evolution!

Next, people who continue to deny God try to explain that this absurd evolution idea is only possible because the earth is millions and millions of years old.  If the earth was only a few thousand years old, then this evolution idea of theirs wouldn't they make Earth older to accommodate their theory.  Doesn't matter that they use circular reasoning when trying to explain how they measure the earth's age and they really have no idea...

Then once they got all that out of the way, they have succeeded in "explaining" life without God around.  But now something has to sustain it.  Nature does!  Nature is just so awesome that it can take care of itself apparently.  We just don't understand how it does everything it does, so we study nature and how science works in order to create loop holes around the obvious fact that an intelligent Creator was responsible for what we see.

And then they have the boldness and pride to say that one day, we will understand all there is to know about Science.  That the things we can't explain right now will be explained in time.  One day, they will have an answer for how the millions of stars were placed into space and how all the hundreds of galaxies fit together into the universe which is ever expanding.  They will have an answer for it all...and a divine Being will not be it.

How arrogant are we today?  God, who created all of existence with nothing more than His voice, is ignored, discredited, and insulted by our pretending to comprehend truth without Him in it.

The problem is, truth does not exist outside of God.  He is truth.  All that He says is true and His every character trait is character in its truest form.  God is absolute truth.  You cannot understand how the universe operates without getting to know the God that made it.

Whether you like it or not.  God does not stoop to our feeble will.  He does not recognize any man-made authority.  He is the God of the heavens and we are but ants underneath Him.  He chooses to love us despite ourselves, but that doesn't mean we have any real voice when it comes to nature and when it comes to reality.  We can choose to side with the truth that God is who He says He is, or we can continue to rebel against it.  End of story. :-)


  1. Wow so true! :) I never thought of it that way!

  2. It's been scientifically proven that the Earth is millions of years old. Geologists, paleontologists, archeologists, astronomists...and one theory is that the Big Bang occurred because matter and anti matter came together causing an explosion and there was more matter than anti matter which is real's what they use for PET for evolution it's quite plausible given the fossil findings such as for not existing and this just being an illusion uh yeah that movie's been done's called The Matrix and it's really good :-)

  3. From what I understand, scientists measure the earth's age based off of the layers of rock. They use these layers to determine the age of the fossils that are there and then they try to use the age of the fossils to varify the layers in order to prove the age of the doesn't work that way. There measuring is circular. I am studying evolution in Biology right now; even the teacher admitted that there was no real solid measurement to show the earth's age except fossils which are only effective once you prove their age...which you can't do without knowing how old the earth is.
    As for the big bang...I agree that anti matter does exist, but it had to clash with matter...and if the universe did not exist before the big bang, then there was no matter to clash with. There was NOTHING, so SOMETHING can't occur until there's no longer nothing. And nothing ceased when God spoke.
    Evolution is a joke...even Darwin admitted his theory was stretching it. Now adaptation...that is plausable and Biblical. :-)
