Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Circles of Influence

There is something I am concerned about.  Well, there are many things, but this is one of the giants that have shadowed my thoughts as of late.  The horror of what is becoming has finally reared its ugly head to the point of me being able to openly address it in my own life.  My hope and prayer is that you will be able to relate with my situation and we may seek out a solution together.

Being a “Navy brat”, I am used to having a few good friends for short periods of time.  Over the course of 20 years, I’ve had several best friends, many close friends, and I daresay 100s of acquaintances.  In fact, most of them I keep up with on Facebook.

I remember a time after I had been settled in Virginia for many long years when I had many friends and I kept up with each of them as best as I could.  I cared about everyone.  I had a large circle of influence over those I interacted with.

As the years have gone by, I have seen this slip in my social life.  I have become less invested, even interested in the lives and troubles of others.  I still have a group of close friends, and I am ever loyal to that small circle of people.  But what I have realized looking back is that I once had a bigger circle of people I was loyal to.  I once cared more about many instead of caring more about few as I do today.

My influence has lessened.  My passion for people has dwindled.  When I try to pinpoint how exactly this happened, I can safely conclude that things in my personal life spun out of balance and I became socially selfish and spiritually introverted.  I closed up my walls and locked the doors while I did some repairs emotionally.

In the process of doing that, I became less concerned for others.  I became hardened to the struggles of others because I was dealing with my own junk.  Over the past few years, I have become hard hearted and cold towards the suffering of others because of the ordeal that I myself had suffered. 

But this is not an excuse worth hiding behind.  I used to be a trustworthy companion.  I used to lead by example and be the friend to many.  In short, I used to love people.  And now I see myself only loving my friends.  Jesus had something to say about that. “If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that” (Matthew 5:47).

I have some heart changing that I need to do.  I have not loved selflessly and made myself truly available for the people in my life in a long time.  I can feel myself becoming a shell of who I used to be.  This has got to end.

There is a scene from the movie 10,000 BC, in which an elder warrior is explaining to a younger man with a great destiny before him what it means to be great.  Here’s what Tic’Tic says:

“A good man draws a circle around himself and cares for those within.  His woman, his children.
 Other men draw a larger circle and bring within their brothers and sisters. But some men have a great destiny. They must draw around themselves a circle that includes many, many more.  Your father was one of those men. You must decide for yourself whether you are, as well.”

The fact is, it is expected of us as social creatures to take care of those within our circle.  But a greater person is the one who draws a larger circle around himself and draws as many into it as can possibly fit.  I used to draw larger circles than I do now.

I am called to draw large circles and care for those within.  I am called to leadership.  I am called to bravery.  I am called to serve the Lord and the souls He puts in my path. 

I am not called to close in my walls and invite in only a few and offer no love or help to others.  I am not called to form my own little social club and bar the gates so that no other can enter.  And yet this is what I have done, in a way.  For someone who spent years in service to those around me and seeing God work through that and finding true joy and contentment out of that love and service, there is shame in the coldness I feel towards others today.

The challenge God has laid at my feet and I am throwing at your feet as well is this:  have you allowed the pain and suffering of your own life to shrink your circle of influence among your friends?  Have you allowed your own trials to stop you from being a bright light of hope and love towards those who you interact with?  Today is the day to end the selfish social game.  Today is the day to start serving and truly seeing the people around you.

I’m going to call my brother out onto the floor again as I did in my last post.  We are men.  We are not dominate or better than others, but we have been called to a role of leadership.  That role requires service and love towards others.  Just as good king loves his land and his people, a good leader must love his followers and serve them above himself.  A good man must draw a large circle around himself and lovingly invite all to enter into it.  Tear down your walls of self pity, prejudice, and selfishness today.  All are worthy of your time, your smile, and your service.  Take up the mantle of manhood that Christ calls us towards and open up to the people around us.

What does your circle of influence look like?  It is large and open to many people, or has it shrunk over the years and do you now only trust a few with your time and love?  Examine your heart and make the change if a change needs to be made.  So God has spoken to my soul and so I have declared it to you. 


  1. Hi "J"

    I will try to comment without discouraging what your intentions are in your post. That being, opening yourself up and drawing more in. Let me try to make sure I understand your post before I complete my comment, therefore you'll know if I did/didn't understand as you read on.

    You feel a change. The change involves a time when you were open to all and knew no strangers (so-to-speak). Lately however, you've begun to notice a decrease in the size of your circle of friends and you put the blame for that squarely on your own shoulders. You feel as if you have chosen a form of seclusion in order to take the time to repair some inward conflicts you were/are facing. But now, you are seeing that this might be somewhat harmful to the long time relationships and bonds you formed over your lifetime. Am I correct so far?

    How old are you sweetheart? 20ish? This is such a small piece of the puzzle of your life. That "piece" being no more than a blink of the Father's eye. Tomorrow new challenges will arrive and you will have to put this thought on the back burner.

    Have you asked God if perhaps there were associations in your life that He wasn't pleased with? If so, then perhaps He began a new thing in you. The new thing beginning to weed out undesirable personalities.

    Consider what the Bible says, "liars, thieves, fornicators, drunkards, of such do not even have a meal with." Why would He tell us such a thing if we are to open ourselves to all and have a mighty circle where all are invited in? This is not the truth. We are to "discern the spirits, whether they be of God or the enemy." He will rid your circle of the evil until you have aged in the things of the Kingdom enough to see it for yourself.

    Only focus on drawing closer to God. "Draw close to Him and He will draw close to you." As you do this, your heart will warm.

    Know that I am not assuming that you aren't tapping into the "Source". It could be that you are trapped in religion. As in, making the mistake of thinking that church attendance makes us righteous, or ritualistic or ceremonial behaviors will give us favor with Him. He only wants our time in the same way we give it to our most beloved of kin.

    Once I was cold. I felt no compassion for my fellow man. I told God so. He began to rearrange me. Now, I talk to Him like I would talk to you. I can't watch another person cry without crying with them.

    He doesn't want us to posture ourselves or shroud our heads, light candles, tap our heels together 3 times and sing a lullaby. (ok, silly for a moment)

    I see that you have taken control of some of the things in your life and this is good. But if you feel that someone shouldn't be in your inner circle, then follow it. God does not EVER in His word tell us to invite everyone. Not true. He tells us beware of the scribes and the pharisees (the religious people), discern the spirits (pay attention the vibes people put off), choose wisely who you are close to.

    I encourage you to remain bold and stand firm on your beliefs as they are centered in your faith. Remember, draw close to Him.

    You will always know if it's God or your own will by one factor. Peace. When you think about what it is you plan to do or are doing, do you feel total peace with it or are you in constant turmoil and unrest with it and always trying to find the answer?

    God bless you. God must have wanted you to know something through me.

  2. Kelline, you should know, my name is Josh. And yes, I'm 20. Haha :)

    Now then, to explain what I meant a little better: I used to care more about people and the troubles of others around me a lot more in my past than I do now. It has nothing to do with a friend count. Its more along the lines of realizing that in the way that Jesus loved those around Him and made Himself available, I should be willing to love the people around me as well. Not to say that I just throw the gates wide open and allow anyone with any beliefs to step into my life and influence me. I have always kept a close circle of good friends and many in my circle have been good friends for nearly 10 years. I am distinguishing a difference between my close friends and the people I know that I should be more friendly to. Does that make sense?

    It is easy to love my own, but I have been challenged as of late to open my eyes up to the people I have grown comfortable ignoring when I should be trying to show "Christian love". That is the heart of where this post came from.

  3. Indeed, you make perfect sense!! You're a wise young man. Your friends should be proud of you (and I'm sure they are), so should your mom :-)

  4. Thank you! I've made a lot of mistakes and taken a lot of blows to get to a place of recognizing my faults and the places that need changing. And the journey is still ever long ahead. :)

    1. Indeed my young brother! I reassure you, if you're this wise at such a young age, you will be a great man in your old age. Life should be very interesting for one such as yourself!
