Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fantastic Day of Worship

So today went awesomely well!  College was pretty interesting...Ethics and Psychology are my more interesting classes anyway, and then church a few hours after!  I love my church!  Not fully involved yet because we've been there just about 5 months, but I really enjoy being there...especially on Wednesday nights.

Tonight, we introduced all the 6th graders into the Youth Group and had a huge special event.  The Youth Band did an amazing job at leading worship and the Youth Pastor was on fire (not literally, of course)!

Praise God for a great night of fellowship and refreshment before hitting school again tomorrow.  God is good. :-)


  1. The Blog looks great. I'm glad there was fire, maybe God will use it.

  2. Thanks for checking out my page, Jonathan! And I firmly believe He will/did....His word does not return void. :-)
